Flowers in Season for Late Autumn
Late Autumn is hands down my absolute favourite season – to be in, to work with and create for!
Late autumn, the nights are drawing in and it's the perfect period for settling down in the evening with a mug of our favourite hot chocolate.
Its nature's last show of colour before winter and the cold weather sets in and it is wonderful to going for walks in the woods underneath the glowing colours of Autumn leaves.
Are you wondering which seasonal British flowers are in season during this period?
Like most growing living things, British grown flowers are affected by the seasons, the weather, and other regional natural changes.
As a result some of the flowers listed in this late Autumn flowers seasonal guides may not be available at a certain time.

Other Late Autumn seasonal British Flowers:
Anemone, Crocus, Nerine, Cyclamen, Blackberries, Zinnia, Snapdragon, Scabiousa, Delphimium, Ammi, Verbena, Hydrangea
Would you like to know more about British flowers?
Are you curious to see the difference between emissions of CO2 between British flowers and Dutch flowers?
Have a look at our BEST BLOOMS - BRITISH BLOOMS blog post and I can promise you that after that you realise how much more CO2 has been produced by the imported flowers you will always want to source British Flowers.